Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Aceman a/k/a Ethan

The Biggest Loser on Hack Forums Asshat Aceman! The Drama Whore, Rep Begging, Psychopathic Twatface on the Scene.

This post is still under developement. But I'm adding all witness accounts here starting with this...

This isn't some isolated thing that just happened, this goes back to a scammer that scammed big time and was banned. Upon his being reported/banned/whatever, he had his friends Slenderman and another weed-promoter type guy (something like Mary Jane/Loser Cheetos 500lbs of Slob) attack me and the others involved with exposing the scammer.

Slenderman then took that beyond the pale with stalking including stalking the one who reported his scammer friend in the first place. So I'm very well aware of Slenderman and his minions.

I avoided HF for a while and only came back now and then. One time I got neg repped simply for having a negative opinion against Nazis (WWII Nazis) and then I avoided the place more. Then I had a friend who wanted help with some lyrics. I figured I'd post the question here.

BOOM there's Slenderman flaming me in my own thread. I reported his posts and he repped me for that calling me names (i.e. flaming) and I reported that.

That's when this total psychopathic shitstain jumped right on me and started attacking me out of the blue. My guess would be that he's...

1. Someone connected to the scammer, or RyanC (since he's made comments to the effect of Ryan-C coming after me and someone else) and Aceman loves chaos and RyanC is his hero and all.

2. He saw another opportunity to up his rep count by coming after me after he saw that Slenderman and #Herb gave each other +reps over flaming me. Aceman (the psycho boy) then wanted part of that and came after me like an enraged douchebag on steroids. He was fishing for more reps. --- When he didn't get the reps he thought he'd get, he started his hate campaign and sent in his minions to come after me. Idiots who had already been bought by him. --- That's when me and some other girls (and guys) here fought back with adding a link to a blog that exposes filthy trolls like Aceman.

He finally got Slenderman to give him rep only because he repped him and PM'd him like mad to get that little 3plus. Otherwise Slenderman is more focused on stalking me and those who reported the scammer. Right now he's pretending to be some 17 year old girl from Romania. Pathetic.

See Aceman's rep. All of it is people he bought off, asked and rather begged for rep, and one comment even said "No to your PM" and when that person was asked, it was to do with Aceman trying to send in people to neg his victims. Instead that guy just gave him good rep while saying no to his begging. Which defeats the purpose of teaching the bastard a lesson.

Aceman has been begging for reps, trying to destroy the mentats and if I were Uber he'd have never came after me. He's an agitator, a troublemaker. He'll get the occassional bad rep but will always kiss the ass of whoever and have it removed. But that isn't good enough, he's on a warpath to get anyone who isn't uber on the red side. He only kisses up to those in equal power. But those who are poor and not in power, he sees as punching bags. To be abused and disrespected.

In short, he's a sociopath, a serial bully, a toxic person.

More to come later. We got screenshots, more links, other goods and some surprises.

Oh look.
Location: Windsor, Ontario, Canada
IP Address: St Clair College Of Applied Arts And Technology

Well it's a good thing there was a way to tell those nice people about Ethan's online bullying, harassing and other malicious behavior. Stupid skiddie kids. They never learn.


  1. HF is more than just reputation and Aceman knows that too. He just personally dislikes you for being a feminazi. I bet you're the size of a whale and still claim your body is perfect the way it is.
    Why don't you have a chat with Zoe Quinn? She seems to be the type of personality that would fit your style.

  2. Hey stupid aceman shithead or the faggot who has aceman's dick so far down your throat that you can't see through all the puss he pours into your empty's a message for you, get over yourself, get over aceman. His bullshit claims that some girl he hates is a nazi is just another one of his head game playin' mutha fuckin' spouterings.
    Go to hell asswipe, stop leaving your splooge on my blog. If you have something intelligent to say WHICH YOU NEVER do, all you can do is insult someone or accuse them of aceman's shallow view on someone, do get the hell away from me.
    I don't fucking care what you think about other members. You be the fat chucky schoolyard bully, who's too fooly and wooly full of aceman's spooey! You a fucking pathetic joke, doody.

    Aceman has got you fooled and that's so sad, you follow him around like he's some man. He's got you fucking denying your own ill actions so lame, get professional help or end your own game. Idiot fuckwit. Your e-penis is so small. Your belly so large. Your life is meaningless, you come from a barge. Scum kid, scummy skid. Put his dick back in your mouth and do what you do best.

    1. Is he still leaving hysterical comments? What is it this time, some blathering about JSR? Wow. He still can't get it through his thick fucking skull that when you hit someone, they will hit back. He's all, here I'm gonna hit you but you can't do anything about it because I'm a paying member.

      He still can't grasp the concept of being a decent person. That prison life I predicted will be his reality soon enough. Too bad that ISIS gang isn't hunting the likes of him. They'd be doing the world a favour.

    2. Yup. Some stupid kiddie comment and mentioning someone's name and betting shit that he'd definitely lose the bet, let's put it that way. The funniest part was this HF is more than just reputation and Aceman knows that too. fer fucks sake the fucking skid does nothing all day but fish for rep. I think JSR called it exactly the way it was, what fucking proof does aceman have against someone who simply wanted lyrics for 2 goddam songs? Or his more than insane accusations about someone's political views? NONE! The fucker attacked her because he saw the opportunity for another couple of reps. End of.
      Aceman knows how to fling his shit all over the place and make an ass of himself. Adults see his petulant shit and one day he'll take his rage and anger out on some people and wind up in prison. We all can call that. It's a given. Shit I've seen some real fuckers before but this kid is like one bawling jumping hostile little bag of tantrum.

    3. To add
      And now he's trying to tell everyone stupid enough to listen that she's some horrible person to try to justify his malcious intent. Not only did he attack someone UNPROVOKED, but he's been trying to sell his grossly insane and inaccurate rants to anyone who will listen. Those who'll listen to him are just as fucked in the head as he is.

    4. Hilarious. So little punk bully cum bubble aceman still can't make up his mind, huh? First someone is a drama upstart (total projection, that's assboy for you) then they're some transvestite, then they a nigga, then they a feminist, then a woman who's divorced like WTF? (some idiot spic's projection) and now they s'pose to be a scammer or crybaby?
      Hmm. All i've ever seen from assboy is crying and when he ain't doing that, he's being a bully.
      Case closed for me. I'm blocking him. Can't tolerate the kids who're too invested in their e-penis.
      But hey.
      I'll still check the blog regularly. Thanx a mil for hosting it, man.

  3. Happy to see that that fucking angry Mexican gravedigging, severely stunted braindead asshole is featured on your blog!
    His new incarnation is VinCat, he's a real loser too. He can't read or write worth a shit, I don't even see how he's on the writer's group since he still can't comprehend reading and his grammar and spelling are fucking shit.
    He's a semi wreck waiting to happen. He carries these huge grudges even on innocent bystanders. He falls for bullies like Aceman because he can be played. He believe any lie the fucker will spoon feed him.
    Spyro is just like him too. Aceman apparently sucks their e-cocks on a daily basis.
    I'd like to take the opportunity to give that shitty little wetback a good hard NEGATIVE and hope he feels the sting in my words.

    1. Yeah as one of my readers said; he's grasping at straws while Aceman has these morons doing all the dirty work for him.

      The thread the fucking moron resurrected without even reading it, or comprehending it since he sucks like shit with reading comprehension, or he failed to notice the date on it or both! I'm going with both.

      There you see two desperate faggot assholes: VinCat & Tyrone acting like total skid shitstains trying to start a fight.
      They failed to get their way so they whined to admins about it WHAAA WHAAA WHAAA then they sucked each other's stumps or whatever they piss out of and had to tell Aceman that they failed in the mission he ordered of them to do.

      BTW the "asshole" in question, the object of that thread had been arrested in January of this year. He was lurking lots of hacker sites and forums for minors and although police never stated what kind of illegal porn he was involved in, he did throw parties at his home for underaged kids.
      His name is Ross Pake. He's 53. He was definitely from California although he used IP blocking methods. Methods I would have seen through with my logging system had he shown up here.

      We found out about him being arrested when he tried to troll again on one of the forums he had been banned from. He was asking people to "clear his internet footprints" so whatever went on with his little party, it sure didn't cover the shit he caused online.

  4. Ok we've got a problem with someone who contacted my co-admin blogger, and asked a link to pastebin be shared. I was reluctant to do so, but this person insisted to have dirt on other HF. Out of interest to know what it entailed I went ahead and allowed the comment. I will post that information as soon as I speak with some other people. It seems this blog was used to frame, set up some members of Hack Forums.

  5. Forced my hand, they both had their accounts closed. Learn your place sluts. :)

    1. And what exactly is their place shitstained bully? To be bullied by ubers like you? To take abuse by you? Just fyi I've forwarded your comments and emails to the admin of HF. I even allowed this one so people can see your true nature in the broad light of day.

      You really think you run the place, don't you? Forced your hand? What hand did you force exactly? I'm still here, my blog is safe and all your insane threats that you've been sending in for the last month now have been nothing but empty threats. So you set someone up to set them up and then claim your hand was forced. Delusional little bully.

      And they're not "closed". Nice try though...NOT.
