Saturday, July 26, 2014

My Blog Causes Serious Butthurt for HF Bullying Bigots

Dear Readers,

As an African American man, I have been subjected to racist bullshit treatment all my life. I have always fought against injustice and have been lucky to have some of the best friends in cyber space and in real time who have stood by me. I have been online more years than I care to count and have seen some serious fucked up shit. Thusly this blog has been a kind of a place to keep documentation of some of the more heinous shitstained creeps, pedos and trolls that I've encountered, have been witness to and have myself been threatened by. Well now I have a couple of new blogs to document the hideous asswipe asshats of the next generation of gaseous windbags who think their shit don't stink.

Aceman of Hack Forums for example fancies himself a judge, jury and executioner of all members there. And God forbid that you, as a member, say anything that pisses him off. Note: everything pisses him off. The bi-polared sociopathic lying sack of shit who only knows one skill; Bullying!

As I was saying, I have been targeted for the color of my skin, and in decent society racism isn't acceptable. But neither is bigotry against someone's gender. Of which my lady friend is now being attacked. Because of her gender. Read my previous blog if you want to know more. Basically she didn't want that stalking freak in her thread throwing a tissy fit. She knew who he was and he did what he did intentionally. His purpose was malice. He told her a year ago that he hated the females of HF because in that time one of them opened up a scam report on his little friend. Since then my friend at HF (the one being harassed and stalked) has stayed away and avoided him at all turns. But when she posted asking for lyrics he took that opportunity to attack her. And since then has rallied his bandwagon of bigoted scum like him to harass her, try to get her banned and all manner of fucked up shit.

My blog exposed them! The truth hurts them big time. They've called her a cunt, feminists [sic] and other crazy shit all because she told the guy stalking her to more or less get lost! This is his rage you're seeing played out and anyone defending stalkers and bullies should be strung up by the ankles and beat with a baseball bat. imo.

And not to mention none of these bigots know how to spell worth a shit!

Here is the new list of bigots, bullies and fucktarded faggoty asstongues who are SERIOUSLY BUTTHURT:

Waif (aka Zach)
- Sam -
Based God Tyrone

And here's - Sam - with a self made portrait of himself crying.

And VinCat's DOX is confirmed! Asshole Mexican Alex Munoz who is a complete douchebag of fucktardery. Yeah it seems he just attacks anyone without a thought! He must be an extreme prick malenist or fail at love. He sits alone on his computer day and night just waiting to verbally assault anyone. Those Latino are infamous for their psycho batshit tempers and psycho attitude in general. Everything upsets them. Go back to Mexico and take your drug cartels with you!

And Zach's DOX is confirmed! You wanna play little puppet to a troll, so you did but you cry when some of that comes back on you. Zachary R. Spong. Maybe next time don't be so quick to suck the tiny dick of that autistic faggot Aceman? By the way, who did you "betray"? LOL little shitstain. You and your bully faggots can sure dish it out, but you sure can't take it.

Now assholes, fuck off. You wanted this.
You asked for it. There you are.

I don't tolerate drama he-bitches like you and wow, you're just so incredibly butthurt to slam someone you know nothing about all for a slimey faggot who's got that Charles Manson gene. Only Manson was more charming.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Hideous Bullying Trolls on Hack Forums

UPDATED to include the furious butthurt that the hideous trolls thought they could get away with!

This missive is about three cunts, three asshat assholes who are some of the biggest lying sacks of cowardly shit that infests the site called Hack Forums.

The usernames of these three asshat asshole douchebag cunts are:


Our telling of these trolls starts off with the fact that Slenderman when he first joined trashed other female members of the site. He has stalked one of them into other sites beyond that. He is a filthy lowlife who has some rather retarded idiots who do his will. When the girl who was being stalked and trolled by him (he knew who she was and she knew who he was) called him a bitch because he came into her thread to harass her, he showed his real intent. Is it logical for anyone to get THAT fucked up over a word? In this case, it was called for. He was out for blood and that was the real agenda he had.

His sorry excuse was that he had no idea who she was, but that's not the case as he knew exactly what he was doing. And he promptly went total ape-shit when she called him a relatively minor name. Bitch isn't that big of a deal, especially when he was already slinging profanity at her in her own thread!

Soon after, he and his little fucking asshat microgroup went to her profile to leave hateful, spiteful and drama on her comment page. Slenderman was previously banned from at least two other forums for stalking and harassing this woman. So he was definitely on a warpath here and uses Hack Forums to further his abuse.

Here you can see the screenshots of their true ugly nature:

As you can see there, his hissy fit is there for all to see. This is over a girl who called him a "bitch" because he was irrate, hostile and belligerent over how she asked for lyrics in another language. His whole bullshit shitstorm is over JUST THAT! A person asking for lyrics. But his real intent was to troll her, attack her and get a response from her. His intent was to get even with her for the fact he had been banned from those other forums where he was stalking her on. She knew what he was up to. He even followed her into other threads. Like he does to other forums. He's a stalker.

Now you see #herb, the little gutless McCunty Cunt Cunt go and slam the victim even though that girl didn't do SHIT to the fucked-in-the-head #herb. Herb can go fuck the FUCK off! BITCH! Don't like people being called a bitch? Why don't you take your goddamned sanctimonious ASS and GTFO off Hack Forums then? Cause if you have a problem with the word BITCH, you're gonna have a HUGE problem with the fact YOU ARE BEING CALLED A FUCKING LOWLIFE BITCH on HERE! BITCH!


And then there's aceman. What a little fucking maggot. A maggoty, lying liar who yells at people to take drama elsewhere yet FILLS up the whole site with his drama! He goes into his drama spiel then ends his little pathetic speech by crying about being told to GO DIE or KILL YOURSELF! Whine much? Talk about DRAMA now.

This is ME telling him to GO DIE or preferably to KILL YOURSELF or at least make an EFFORT! How do you like that, Mr. ASSman? Your face looks like an ASS.

But it goes even deeper than that, you can tell that their bully leader slenderman the stalking douchebag coward whined to both these morons to go and "get her" and I'm sure they cackled as their little vulture asses went in to further cause stress and grief for this poor girl whose ONLY sin was to defend her gender back then when he was attacking them, and asking for lyrics. Yeah some real losers there who spend so much time on fighting with people and trying to fuck with them.

Aceman is also a flippant drama queen whose little dick is covered in warts and other STD's.

Here you can see them sucking up to each other after they had squealed like little tumblr twats slamming someone. See the sickening sucking up here:

But the girl they collectively attacked isn't the only one who's been harassed by these pathetic retards. Another member Black Soul is also a witness to the shit they do.

Basically, Black Soul accused Aceman's scammer friend of pretending to be hacked, and rightfully insulted him for that - and Black Soul was right. Look up KyleWTF, he scammed over a hundred dollars, and got closed for pretending that we has hacked and claiming none of this was his doing. Riiiight.

Then Aceman just came along and began saying that Black Soul attacks everyone which he doesn't, otherwise he'd be closed, and the fucking asshole drama twat aceman also tried to judge anyone basing that judgement off a few posts. How retarded can people get?

There are literally other members who have come forth with their stories about these fucking lowlife troll pieces of shit. I am glad to offer a place where they can be EXPOSED!

Edit: 7-26-14

Now the little skiddie asswipes are threatening to "ruin" me and thinking I'm the same member on HF that they willfully engaged in harassing over a lyrics thread. This is the same micro group of bullies who up and decided to flame someone that I know via other forums besides HF. She included my blog link on her profile and I gave her permission to do that. I have my link added to lots of stuff. I also contribute content for E.D. and these little pieces of shit stained diseases have taken up some kind of warpath now because some girl just didn't take their asshole harassment and reported them.

Now their scammer friend who has already been exposed as a scammer is now coming out with more amd more bullshit harassment and attacking. Other members on HF have been scammed by him and now he's got his little bully bunch together to talk more shit!

This is the FUCKTARD here: KyleWTF but he's also no stranger to scam reports made about him. Check it out HERE. Now he's really screaming mad because his little harasser stalker friend Slenderman was caught stalking the girl these fucktarded bitch ass douchebags are now targeting and victimizing. As you might well imagine I'm getting revenge and started the doxing process on them. Fucking faggots don't know with whom they fuck with. I'm connected with Encyclopedia Dramatica too and can do so much more damage to them but they insist on fucking with me and continuing to fuck with someone with whom had NO part of their scamming or bullshit drama. So you fucktarded little boys go ahead and come at me. You talk your shit but then go and make threats, post shit talk on my blog and harass someone even more because you got what you deserved? You sure can dish it out but sure can't take it. Insane. Welcome to hell, you earned it.

This Aceman fucktard is still acting like such a retard:

Some other member's page
Go get your dick wet some place else. Just because a user is female does not mean she gets special attention. The bitch spent an hour harassing me and I'm NEVER going to remove the rep on her.

Well isn't that special? Look at the little drama bitch he-queen just spinning his asshole on his piehole. As my friend stated so perfectly:

when you go to someone's own page to flame them without having any reason to do so, you deserve to be told off douchebag! You harassed me and then got ALL butthurt when I showed what you had done to a blog owner who exposes filth like you. Now you're whining to other people about being harassed? You sure are a piece of work. Yeah why don't YOU take YOUR drama somewhere else because everyone you harass for defending themselves against krunts like you are just sick and tired of your constant whining and bullshit and there are a few of us who are REALLY hoping you step back down into the abyss you came from.

There you have it, dear readers. Aceman is flailing all over the place like a tumblr tissy bitch and complaining about getting harassed when it was HIM who fucking attacked this girl to begin with! All for his ass fucking faggoty slenderman who's so drugged up and strung out that he can't stop himself from hurling his feces all over on HF.

And look at that scammer Kyle. SMH. What a loser. My blog made him so butthurt but he got Aceman to come and make threats on my blog. What a pussy. All of them. Bunch of fuckwitted backwoods, inbred ass eaters. Kyle tries to lie that his account got hacked but still shows what a loser scammer he is.

Oh and another thing cunt face scammer and twat minions of cunt scammer, nowhere on this blog is it stated that KyleWTF was blocked permanently though that's a foregone conclusion that it's bound to happen. So it's pointless to have to tell the people you wish to scam, harm, victimize that you're back. Have fun being the little special cunt you are. Nobody here cares and you're just a twatwaffling windbag full of farted air.