Friday, July 11, 2014

Hideous Bullying Trolls on Hack Forums

UPDATED to include the furious butthurt that the hideous trolls thought they could get away with!

This missive is about three cunts, three asshat assholes who are some of the biggest lying sacks of cowardly shit that infests the site called Hack Forums.

The usernames of these three asshat asshole douchebag cunts are:


Our telling of these trolls starts off with the fact that Slenderman when he first joined trashed other female members of the site. He has stalked one of them into other sites beyond that. He is a filthy lowlife who has some rather retarded idiots who do his will. When the girl who was being stalked and trolled by him (he knew who she was and she knew who he was) called him a bitch because he came into her thread to harass her, he showed his real intent. Is it logical for anyone to get THAT fucked up over a word? In this case, it was called for. He was out for blood and that was the real agenda he had.

His sorry excuse was that he had no idea who she was, but that's not the case as he knew exactly what he was doing. And he promptly went total ape-shit when she called him a relatively minor name. Bitch isn't that big of a deal, especially when he was already slinging profanity at her in her own thread!

Soon after, he and his little fucking asshat microgroup went to her profile to leave hateful, spiteful and drama on her comment page. Slenderman was previously banned from at least two other forums for stalking and harassing this woman. So he was definitely on a warpath here and uses Hack Forums to further his abuse.

Here you can see the screenshots of their true ugly nature:

As you can see there, his hissy fit is there for all to see. This is over a girl who called him a "bitch" because he was irrate, hostile and belligerent over how she asked for lyrics in another language. His whole bullshit shitstorm is over JUST THAT! A person asking for lyrics. But his real intent was to troll her, attack her and get a response from her. His intent was to get even with her for the fact he had been banned from those other forums where he was stalking her on. She knew what he was up to. He even followed her into other threads. Like he does to other forums. He's a stalker.

Now you see #herb, the little gutless McCunty Cunt Cunt go and slam the victim even though that girl didn't do SHIT to the fucked-in-the-head #herb. Herb can go fuck the FUCK off! BITCH! Don't like people being called a bitch? Why don't you take your goddamned sanctimonious ASS and GTFO off Hack Forums then? Cause if you have a problem with the word BITCH, you're gonna have a HUGE problem with the fact YOU ARE BEING CALLED A FUCKING LOWLIFE BITCH on HERE! BITCH!


And then there's aceman. What a little fucking maggot. A maggoty, lying liar who yells at people to take drama elsewhere yet FILLS up the whole site with his drama! He goes into his drama spiel then ends his little pathetic speech by crying about being told to GO DIE or KILL YOURSELF! Whine much? Talk about DRAMA now.

This is ME telling him to GO DIE or preferably to KILL YOURSELF or at least make an EFFORT! How do you like that, Mr. ASSman? Your face looks like an ASS.

But it goes even deeper than that, you can tell that their bully leader slenderman the stalking douchebag coward whined to both these morons to go and "get her" and I'm sure they cackled as their little vulture asses went in to further cause stress and grief for this poor girl whose ONLY sin was to defend her gender back then when he was attacking them, and asking for lyrics. Yeah some real losers there who spend so much time on fighting with people and trying to fuck with them.

Aceman is also a flippant drama queen whose little dick is covered in warts and other STD's.

Here you can see them sucking up to each other after they had squealed like little tumblr twats slamming someone. See the sickening sucking up here:

But the girl they collectively attacked isn't the only one who's been harassed by these pathetic retards. Another member Black Soul is also a witness to the shit they do.

Basically, Black Soul accused Aceman's scammer friend of pretending to be hacked, and rightfully insulted him for that - and Black Soul was right. Look up KyleWTF, he scammed over a hundred dollars, and got closed for pretending that we has hacked and claiming none of this was his doing. Riiiight.

Then Aceman just came along and began saying that Black Soul attacks everyone which he doesn't, otherwise he'd be closed, and the fucking asshole drama twat aceman also tried to judge anyone basing that judgement off a few posts. How retarded can people get?

There are literally other members who have come forth with their stories about these fucking lowlife troll pieces of shit. I am glad to offer a place where they can be EXPOSED!

Edit: 7-26-14

Now the little skiddie asswipes are threatening to "ruin" me and thinking I'm the same member on HF that they willfully engaged in harassing over a lyrics thread. This is the same micro group of bullies who up and decided to flame someone that I know via other forums besides HF. She included my blog link on her profile and I gave her permission to do that. I have my link added to lots of stuff. I also contribute content for E.D. and these little pieces of shit stained diseases have taken up some kind of warpath now because some girl just didn't take their asshole harassment and reported them.

Now their scammer friend who has already been exposed as a scammer is now coming out with more amd more bullshit harassment and attacking. Other members on HF have been scammed by him and now he's got his little bully bunch together to talk more shit!

This is the FUCKTARD here: KyleWTF but he's also no stranger to scam reports made about him. Check it out HERE. Now he's really screaming mad because his little harasser stalker friend Slenderman was caught stalking the girl these fucktarded bitch ass douchebags are now targeting and victimizing. As you might well imagine I'm getting revenge and started the doxing process on them. Fucking faggots don't know with whom they fuck with. I'm connected with Encyclopedia Dramatica too and can do so much more damage to them but they insist on fucking with me and continuing to fuck with someone with whom had NO part of their scamming or bullshit drama. So you fucktarded little boys go ahead and come at me. You talk your shit but then go and make threats, post shit talk on my blog and harass someone even more because you got what you deserved? You sure can dish it out but sure can't take it. Insane. Welcome to hell, you earned it.

This Aceman fucktard is still acting like such a retard:

Some other member's page
Go get your dick wet some place else. Just because a user is female does not mean she gets special attention. The bitch spent an hour harassing me and I'm NEVER going to remove the rep on her.

Well isn't that special? Look at the little drama bitch he-queen just spinning his asshole on his piehole. As my friend stated so perfectly:

when you go to someone's own page to flame them without having any reason to do so, you deserve to be told off douchebag! You harassed me and then got ALL butthurt when I showed what you had done to a blog owner who exposes filth like you. Now you're whining to other people about being harassed? You sure are a piece of work. Yeah why don't YOU take YOUR drama somewhere else because everyone you harass for defending themselves against krunts like you are just sick and tired of your constant whining and bullshit and there are a few of us who are REALLY hoping you step back down into the abyss you came from.

There you have it, dear readers. Aceman is flailing all over the place like a tumblr tissy bitch and complaining about getting harassed when it was HIM who fucking attacked this girl to begin with! All for his ass fucking faggoty slenderman who's so drugged up and strung out that he can't stop himself from hurling his feces all over on HF.

And look at that scammer Kyle. SMH. What a loser. My blog made him so butthurt but he got Aceman to come and make threats on my blog. What a pussy. All of them. Bunch of fuckwitted backwoods, inbred ass eaters. Kyle tries to lie that his account got hacked but still shows what a loser scammer he is.

Oh and another thing cunt face scammer and twat minions of cunt scammer, nowhere on this blog is it stated that KyleWTF was blocked permanently though that's a foregone conclusion that it's bound to happen. So it's pointless to have to tell the people you wish to scam, harm, victimize that you're back. Have fun being the little special cunt you are. Nobody here cares and you're just a twatwaffling windbag full of farted air.


  1. Thank you for the blog! Great read!

    1. Hey bruh! Yep. Looks like that slenderman is the ASSHOLE of the forum. Spread the word. Any other info, just send it on in and I'll put it up in here.

  2. That slenderman is a total crybaby! I saw the whole thing go down. He talks down to people, gets irrate with them for no reason, and then if they don't like his abrasive bullshit, he flies right into his neg repping and crying to the retards who will listen to him and help him fuck with people. I hope he ends up in prison and gets ass raped. But he'd probably love that.

  3. Actually Black Soul and I are cool.

    Might I encourage you to slit your wrists and kill yourself you dumb slut? I'm going to ruin you.

    1. Oh my my my the butthurt troll shows up after all. I'm updating this blog to include more of yous SHIT! You were the one who decided to start shit with someone who didn't want you in their face and told you to go FUCK OFF! Too many people know you're nothing but some retarded 14 year old kid who likes to talk shit and then gets all pissed off when you get what you deserve!

      Thanks for the comment, and everyone of my readers will see how truly pathetic you are! You whined about being told to go kill yourself when YOU screamed for attention by doing what you did on HF and now here you are making the same douchebag moves. Go ahead and try and ruin me. I have put up articles on lowlifes like you on ED. In short, come at me, faggot and get ass raped. Because that's what happens next.

    2. Oh lookie the little kiddie aceman is threatening you and going to ruin people now LMAO! Yeah that's his M.O. and he's still not be able to hack several people he said he would. We're still waiting for his "skillz" to ruin us. Hahahahahaha!!! Talking out his ass again. If you want I can give you some more dirt on him. He also begs for reps and for someone who claims to be cool with Black Soul, it's amazing he's kissing up to the scammer who fucked Black Soul over.

    3. Aceman has got some serious psychopathic problems because he believes he's entitled to talk shit and leave shit on people's pages but gets all twisted and enraged when he gets it back. Bets that he'll end up in prison before he's 18. I don't know what they do with brats who think they're entitled to cause and stir shit and DRAMA and thinks no one is going to hit back. He's lead a very sheltered life and is about to find out that REALITY is about to give his ass some checking!

    4. Give me a little time and I'll send you some stuff on him and those other fuckwits. Aceman AKA Kyle is just another tumblr tissy fit throwing spoiled brat who hasn't left his parents basement since they got a computer that he spends all his time on just railing out at the populace in general. Please do a ED article on him and we can make a meme or two about his laughable attempts to ruin people. Which translates into him basically begging for people to help him attack a member who just asked for lyrics for godssake

    5. I'm loving this to be perfectly honest. Tell Sindy I'm coming for her. :)

    6. Yeah we already heard your tantrum before. Another blog coming and be sure to read on and feel your butt get even more busted and kicked.

    7. HF Uber member hereJuly 28, 2014 at 11:37 PM

      Actually Black Soul and you are NOT cool. His opinion of you is still the same. All you did was kiss up to him to remove his negative on you. But don't think for a minute that he likes you because you'd be sadly mistaken.

    8. YUP!! Thanks for your input HF Uber member.

  4. Sounds more like you or your little friend bitched too much about useless crap and you got what you deserved. Then you insulted someone and told him/her to go die.

    Talk shit? Get hit!

    1. Oh hi again, butthurt troll. Or are you pretending to be someone else now? Let me tell you something FREAK, you're a fucking loser who hasn't got a clue as to the shit you be spewing out here! My little "friend" didn't do a goddamn thing to you or your pathetic piece of SHIT ass and you're in here whining and talking shit yourself! There was nothing useless about a request for lyrics but no, you and your little 14 year old bully gang who is still sobbing over your scammer friend getting reported is determined to go all ape war and shit on anyone who DARES stand up to your pathetic retarded asses!

      And for the record little buttwormed walking disease, when you all opted to flame and attack someone you got what YOU DESERVED and to GO DIE! Now go die while this blog gets more and more views and your butthurt is obvious to all who see you here trying to worm your way out of your OWN fucked-in-the-head actions! You be the ones talking shit and then gettin' your ass all faggoted up when someone didn't take your shit. Read my updated blog. You'll feel your fat ass get that hurt stinging you like a prison ass rape. Which you well deserve.

      Maybe next time - LEAVE members of the forum the HELL ALONE!

      Talk some more shit, and writhe at being exposed for what a butthurt little kid you are. Go die. Get killed. Get tortured. I'll let you scream all over here, but you will be handed your ass!

    2. Hey, little bitch ass butthurt kid. I'm the guy who's going to destroy you, publicly. I just woke up and slept for what, 6 hours? I'm pretty pissed at what you're doing so don't ask for mercy once I am done.

      I am not Aceman, Kyle, or anyone you might know. Kyle is meh, Aceman isn't a troll, you should fear verbal insults from me you little prick. I don't give a shit about what you think of me or of Aceman.

      You have a blog on which you describe failtrolls? Where is the article on yourself? R. McCoy, douchebag of the year getting mad on some hacking forum. You talk quite a lot about 14 years old, it is as if you were one of them.

      I don't give a shit about you, your lyrics or your bitch as I'd make her wet anytime. Not from excitement as I don't like screwing bitches with aids, she'd piss herself when she'd see how much of a lone loser you are.

      Me? Kill myself? Hahaha. You are the cancer of society buddy, all you can do is flame people over the internet on your little blog which could be taken down at any moment. It is only for my leisure that I am posting here, alonalon, I couldn't give another sinking shit about what you say. You just seem butthurt, talk shit? Get hit mate.

      Now, faggot, how about you simply shut the fuck up and go back in your zoo cage? And tell your whore to buzz off.

    3. You do that little batshit insane freak. You talked shit and you got hit! Now you're still talking shit so let me school you on some of the spew you've made of mess of yourself with...

      For one, I don't give a FLYING FUCK WHO you are! Kyle or Aceman, all the same micro fucks who don't know shit and talk big.

      Second the very fact that you threaten me with taking my blog down, is fucking more hilarious than the hissy fir you've been throwing at me and anyone who dares deal with you as they see fit. Are you telling me that you're going to hack my blog? You go try that faggot. Some of the biggest pedos and trolls I've dealt with had tried and failed to take my blog down. One of the pedo freak even tried to get google to place ads on my blog so his lame ass could report it for spamming.

      But you sit there and backpeddle with your bullshit because you can't hack shit. I've dealt with loud mouthed motherfuckers like you more years, before your whining ass was even in diapers. Shit wad. Hack this, bitch! You give it your best shot! You sure can dish out shit but can't take the consequences when someone finally stands up to you. Your future as a bully is promising because you sure are full of it.

      All you did here was throw some stupid insults at me, showing your obvious rage and how butthurt you really are and are now trying to scare me with your insanely laughable threats.

      If anyone is a cancer of society, you've been looking in your mirror.

      And finally, stupid ass faggot, if you truly didn't care about my blog that sure is quite a hysterical rant you've got there. Your butthurt is epic and I'll be making a follow up blog.

      Isn't it great that you'll never learn your lesson to leave people the fuck alone? Now you're all flailing and screaming mad! You mad, you mad! LMAO.

      Yeah have fun reporting me to google/blogger.

      Oh and I'm not anonlon. But nice try. I'm a big black man and when pushed I defend my friends. When threatened by the likes of your sad lowly ass, well, you'll find out.

    4. I'm not part of any little gang kiddo, so calm your tits.

      I am not threatening. I am simply stating facts. It is quite easy to take down such blogs in the first place, hell you could grab a piece of crappy booter and I'd bet it would work. With that being said, you're like an elephant in a cage being kept alive only for the purpose of entertaining attendants.

      I won't report anything, as I enjoyed watching the elephant you are shitting herself and panicking all over the place.

      I cannot hack. True. But anyone can take down a pea-sized blog such as yours.

      Consequences? Go ahead, Swat me. I am not even in the American Continent you little cunt, what could you possibly do against me? Don't make me laugh! HAHAHA! Threats do not work with me, although I do like good jokes such as yours, and such as your blog.

      Oh wait! I threw insults at you.... isn't that what YOU have been doing on this blog for what, 6 years? You're just a mad feminist wetting her pants because other people are stomping on your head.

      I enjoy mocking you and humiliating you, cancer. If I saw a living tumor I'd hit it around, consider this simple metaphor what I think of you and this blog.

      No threats there, miss. And you're not a big black man, you're that "Just Some Random" little girl from HF. You both speak the same way, same vocabularies, I have screenshots if you doubt me.

      You mad, you mad?! HAHAHA, how old are you exactly? I mean, kids tell me that on game servers in their squeaking voice but I wouldn't expect feminist trash to tell me that.

      Anybody could report your pathetic excuse of a blog but I'll be the last of them, I enjoy watching you rage at people and mindlessly telling them to die, kill themselves and suffer. I really do, just proves how much of a human piece of garbage you are, a disgusting piece of garbage.

      Come one, do your worst! Your friends? Don't make me laugh, again, I cried of laughter too much so far.

      Now, as you took 24 hours to reply to my post, and only when I said in 1 comment that you ignored this comment, you're trying to prove that you're not chicken. Look at your HF profile if you're that girl, everybody fucking despises you. A lot of reputable members have negged you, trash, what are you going to do about it? Trash them on this blog? HAHAHA! All the comments are made up anyway, or scum like you who actually care about rep on a hacking forum would comment here.

      It is sad that nobody loves you IRL and that you take it out on other people. Did your daddy kick your ass when you were a kid? After all, you're big black man! HAH! Bullshit.

      And protip? I'm not one of the members who negged you. Let's see what you can do now, scum.

    5. Well now, there's another load of psycho from you. Again I don't fucking care who you are fuckwit and uh, it seems to me that not everyone hates the girl you hate little skrunt. You can flap your gums until you bleed from them. God knows the shit coming from your mouth must be quite nasty.

      As far as your little whiny trailer trash ass in another country...IPs are recorded here and so you just flap on. You go right ahead and try and hack google. You're like this little squeaking pimple that has nothing better to do than flame people who simply don't want anything to do with you. Your comments say it all. You're full of rage.

      My blog offers a service for people to know who to avoid. & THAT is really what upsets you. GL with getting "everyone" to hate the lady you believe me to be. Grab all the screens you want and plaster them on your shit stained walls. Writhe in them.

      As for "allowing" my blog to stay up for entertainment purposes? That's really funny when the rest of your comments is filled with such vitriol and hideous pathetic whining about it. It is YOU who is the freak show here. I allow your comments because the more you squeak the more insane you get. Believe me, my readers are laughing at you.

    6. Protip to the psycho with his bad English and thinking someone is shitting themselves...the ONLY ones shitting themselves are Aceman, Slenderman and your fucking imbecile asses. You've flung so much shit and what over? Someone who just didn't take your stalking and bullying lying down!
      Go back to your fucking backwards country asshole! Don't you have a stoning to attend or something, you fucking sorry excuse of a male who should be casterated so that you don't make more little backwards extremists nutjobs like yourself.

    7. Your friends? Don't make me laugh, again, I cried of laughter too much so far.

      Sez the guy who don't have any real ones of his own.

      Why don't you fuck off yourself? You come in here and tell the admin to buzz off and aim it at JSR and are trying to deman she don't go to HF anymore all the while claiming it's all making you laugh? If so.....why are you so hell bent on getting someone banned by constantly attacking them here and there?

    8. Because he's a fucking butthurt troll idiot who can't take the heat but sure loves to cause shit for others. He's a psychopath/sociopath. He has no concept or conscience. He probably takes his rage out on anyone around him in real time and I'm sure that they would be people (women) who can't fight back because of his horrible country where women are forced to wear Burkas.

    9. Sodetel S.a.l. IP:

    10. Already had that. Thanks. Explains the vicious female hate. Lebanon. Country of backwards cunts like Aceman. I'll bet they're still pissed that a girl had friends with blogs and forums that can cause them much butthurt that they can do nothing about.

    11. I, Aceman, am Canadian. Good luck placing my IP in Lebanon though.

    12. Canadian? Oh so that's what's wrong with you.

      Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada
      IP Address: Rogers Cable (

      Nice try though, and the shitty European proxies you've used, over half them still showed your true IP and location, douchebag misogynist. So much for you and your buddies' hacking skills. But when y'all are born of diseased crack whore mothers, and you come out of a sack full of sludge and every bum in an alley's cum spillings, it's really no wonder why you're so fucked up.

      Now to address the same tired old bullshit y'all butthurt faggots keep screaming on here.

      1. Your WHOLE drama is about "talking shit" and this is where you fail so bad. Someone asking for lyrics isn't talking shit. Even using the correct name of the language in that native speaker's OWN language. THAT is what you diseased cunts are all so pissed about! That someone didn't allow you to troll their thread! It's YOU ASSHOLES who're talking all the shit. Then with your uber faggy asses that romped around like enraged apes at a circus you went in to prove your butthurt on the rep pages. Then you came in here, slammed around, threw your tiny little fists around, threatened me, threaten to ruin me (or the person you're waging war with) and still coming into here to spew more of the same tired old squawking with indignation.

      Really look at yourselves. Pathetic.

      2. Slenderman and Aceman definitely got others to help them harass a girl who upset their little alpha male image. Aceman who is a total psychopathic nutjob even said he'd ruin her by way of several PM's and hysterical letters to other members. Slenderman outright told the victim that he would also get a gang of his derp wannabe hackers to do shit to her. And there's all this. I mean, my god, how obvious can you be?

      3. Aceman is the driving whine-wagon screamer who is determined to be the loudest and the rightest. He is sucking off his stalker faggot slenderman who wanted to fuck with the girl he was waiting to attack. His actions were intentional. With malice and intent. People remember slenderman's whole hissy fit drama over the scammer he loved so much being banned and knew the other lady who made the scam report on him, and that JSR was one of the other ladies who defended the victim who got scammed. That is why slenderman stalked JSR. But that shit is acceptable to you fucktarded lowlife future prison inmates when you end up there, little boys. But someone asking an innocent request for lyrics? Oh yeah there's gonna be WAR and you're gonna see to it.

      Fucking pieces of shit. Lower than the shit from a cockroach. That's your net value of an existence.

      4. RDP to log in to this fucked up blog? LOL you really don't get how blogger works, do you? How lovely that you've just exposed how truly lame you are. Newsflash! RDP is shit and an ancient tool that has been blasted in about a million ways by technology in the future of network security.Perhaps if you spent as much time studying worthwhile things instead of playing around on a forum with a gang of bullies to go around and troll/attack/stalk people you'd actually learn something. But you won't and you're in for a lifetime of butthurt.

    13. 5. "I really wonder how you got my RDP's IP address" then "also displayed, even though it's false, an IP address"

      LMAO seriously, get your stories straight before commenting here. Contradict much? LOL LAMERS!

      Oh look! Another example of shifting and backpeddling!

      "Your blog is still up because it entertains us"
      "I hope that Google has a good cleaning service"
      "If I wanted I could hack your blog blah blah blah"

      Let me translate this for my readers so they can see in plain English what you're really saying, mmmkay?

      "I want that blog destroyed! But I can't hack it! I will threaten and comment in all ways I can think of to scare the blog owner and hope my pathetic tactics will work! WHAAAAAAAAA!"


      "I wanted to attack someone who was talking shit! They wanted lyrics, told MY BFF to fuck off for trolling it and now I'M PISSED because asking for lyrics is shit in my narrow little sheltered life and I can't STAND that someone would even DARE ask for anything that doesn't interest ME! HOW DARE! I fucking patrol HF and if I find fault with, a problem with, ANYONE asking or doing anything I just don't like, I have power to totally rain down hell fire and brimstone upon them because I be UBER!!!! I paid to have the right to bully people DAMNIT I'M SPECIAL!"

      That about sums it up.

      "I will see to it that you're banned from HF forevr Blogs don't belong on HF and Ubers have the right to request bans on stupid regular members"

      Well so much for your threats of getting anyone banned. LMAO at how long it seems to be taking you to actually get someone banned with your "Uber" status and all.

      6. "And my English... what about it?"
      It looks like Aceman can only get imbeciles who butcher the English language to leave reps. Does he have anyone isn't some jihadist or from shitty backwards countries to help him wage war with someone? Like the pathetic lamer who pluralizes everything? Not to mention how bad your grammar is. A bunch of neandrathal kids who haven't ventured out of your caves since you were even born and live such isolated and secluded lives and all your interaction with people is through a forum. You're bigots and seriously mentally deranged from your shallow meaningles lives. And anyone who comes from a different POV or walk of life, these are people you set out to destroy because they got something you'll never have. A real life. A fulfilling life. Your rage is what we see. And all we can see. There's nothing more to you.

    14. And finally...

      "You've squawked. You've threatened people too with your "highly placed friends""

      Riiiight. I'm sure that someone making a legit complaint about the shit you do isn't supposed to happen. After all you are Uber and all! How dare a regular member even speak out! You would rule through oppression and the tyrannical monsters you are is what makes this world a darker place. Filth seeds like you should be wiped out. You're nothing but a sad miserable hole of existence and you don't improve a thing. You're here to spread hate, shit and death. That's your fucked up waste of air here on earth. You can offer nothing. Well, except misery.

      It is YOU who first laid the attacks, and it is YOU who threatened. As a matter of fact I haven't threatened anyone, nor has JSR. Stating facts that she does know higher ups isn't a threat. It is to you who is twisted with your own wank and someone standing up to a fucked up bully nutcase like you takes away from your fucked up illusion that you can control someone. You think Uber has somehow given you control of anyone who isn't Uber. It really blows your mind that someone didn't need your fucking Uber status to get you all SO jumping pissed. And wow, boy howdy are you ever PISSED!

      THAT is what is fucking bothering you! You have painted yourself into the corner of your own fucked up thought process that you have utter control over people because you threw 20$ at some forum status. In the real world, kiddies, you're about to find out how truly ignorant, sickening and full of shit you really are. What rude awakenings lie ahead of you.

    15. Also, loving how mad you're getting. This is all a fun game to me and I'm winning while "your friend" is cutting her wrists. *Snicker*

    16. Yes you think you're winning by leaving countless comments here about how you're laughing at us, how we're going to be hacked, how google's going to clean house (or some dipshit shit like that), how people are all hating a girl who you attacked in the first place, how that member is going to be banned, etc.

      Yeah winning as in leaving constant comments about suicide, and beating someone's head in, about getting the police after Omni, about getting him in trouble with Go-Daddy about how he allows anyone you hate to continue being a member on his forum, and comments about how no one can see your IP while using shitty proxies that somehow don't have the back access tools intstalled to block the incoming access to reveal your real IP. And VPN's? My my my, yeah that Google, Inc. thing. Yeah there be tools to block those too but it's easier to install other tools so the whole program can be compromised or alert them about you. Either way.

      Cutting your wrists all over my blog is all you're doing, freak. Why don't you take your drama somewhere else? Isn't that what you said in ALL CAPS at someone who you just can't stand being on HF that you had to prove how badass you are? And when that same person said "go die, kill yourself" you added that to one of the many edits on her page? Now here you are talking shit that you are still obviously butthurt over and showing your hypocracy in the big ass light of day. You're a psychopath. An agitator. You pick fights and when you find not everyone can be silenced, you spend your life obsessing. ADD and OCD!

      I'm yawning at your avalanche of crazy hysterical comments today. You're clearly full on cray cray.

      BTW thanks for getting your puppets to promote my blog on a rep page. I see one of them edited their comment so as to not mention it. Tsk. Guess he didn't wanna be seen as one of your minions, huh? Unfortunately it's still amid the other butthurt screaming about it with time and day and all. So kinda defeats the attempt to distance himself. Awww poor baby.

      [sarcasm] Yeah you're sure winning alright. [/sarcasm]

  5. I got harassed by that slimebag aceman too. he just slings his little cyber fists at anyone and he has a real problem with rage and anger. & you can see that by what he puts on people's stuff. it's like reading the deranged rantings of a really disturbed little boy who has some serious psycho going on in whatever he calls a brain.

  6. #herb is a fucking twat. I remember that user. What a little knucklescrapper and VERY LQ. Just invents shit to hit people with. Thanks for this blog it really made my day!! Those 4 devolving shit members are rep whores and they beg ppl for reps but feel entitled to fuck with regular members. Total assholes.

  7. Hey aceman! Might I suggest that you go fuck yo mama with that little dick that you need a pair of tweezers to pull out? That's the only female you're getting it on with after all. You dumb slut he-bitch who has an obvious problem with someone defending themselves against YOUR little faggot meth ridden trailer trash backwoods hick.

    1. Yes, you might suggest it. Although your visit to the doctor over being butthurt might stop you from being able to watch. :c

    2. You'll need a doctor faggot because I obviously raped your ass pretty hard for you to still be here and commenting like a little bitch.

  8. Thank you for this blog. It is very appreciated. I too have been harassed by that wormy scum Aceman.

  9. I see Aceman the Ass is at it again. He proves what a reactionary cunt he really is every time he opens his fat mouth. Now he's screaming shit fits about a girl and some bullshit about special treatment when that's not the case. She just wanted to be left alone and NOT harassed for asking a perfectly legit question. But Aceman doesn't let members just do their thing. He's well know for being a little butthurt cunt that just HAS to be heard and the loudest of them all, he likes to mini-mod and thinks he knows everything. He claims the girl he attacked is butthurt but all I see is his butthurt all over the place. Ruin you? By posting a crybaby rant on HF! LULZ! He even bitched about this very blog hoping to get the girl banned or something. What a loser. What a BUTTHURT LOSER that Asshat Aceman is.

    1. Aww little retard aceman gonna post on HF complaining about my blog. I saw it, I laughed so hard. Not to worry. I'm waiting to swat him. The fuckwit will never learn and he wants to be Internet Tough Guy. I got plans and he's about to find out how utterly invalid he is. Yeah he's tough alright just going around acting like a soap opera queen. The little cum bubble is an obvious 14 year old or younger. His balls haven't dropped yet and he's already wracked up the kind of shit that takes some imbeciles years to build up. He'll end up like one of those losers that have sites put up about him with pics of him and the whole nine yards.

    2. Waiting to swap me :roflmao:!!!! Bring it pussy, I dare you. Let me know when it's "going" to happen so I can sit naked and fap.

    3. Oh the butthurt troll who hates da ladies is back. Again. Predictably. And the term is SWAT. Can you even read? Or are you still hell bent on attacking girls because you'll never have one? Yeah you go right ahead and fap. It's the only physical contact you'll ever have. With yourself.

    4. BTW I do have an IP tracker on this blog. You make it too easy. Then again butthurt boys like you will never get a clue.

  10. Lol. This is the funniest shit I've seen in a while.

    1. Thank you! Well lots of my buds and lady friends who don't really go to HF all that often just got so sick and tired of these faggot butthurt skiddie kiddies getting status and then abusing forum members. They're rep whores and they sure talk a lot of shit while bullying anyone who can't fight back with rep. So I've given people (that I know and like) a place to fight back.

    2. No, scum, nobody did that. What happens? Idiots insult others, they receive a few negs and just rage some more. I don't know how one could be mad to that degree.

      The thing is you talked shit, you got hit. With that shitty attitude you might as well just drop dead you scum of the earth, shitstain of human intelligence and a fraction of the IQ of fucking apemen.

    3. LOL and here you are proving with every continuing comment how truly mad you are. The thing is, you abusive ubers have thought you were so untouchable for the longest time. That the regular members were silenced and could not in any way fight back. This blog and a very intelligent lady and a few of her friends have been waiting to turn the tables and this is the RAGE you are displaying here. If you see us as being angry, it's just more of your shit projections because the truth is, someone wouldn't take your shit lying down and now you're so fucked up about that that you're having such meltdowns in here. You see, we all know you're the enraged one. A few neg reps? You totally don't get it do you? That shit is personal and on someone's own profile and you throw your feces around but are too cowardly to do that shit to other ubers. You only target what you think are the weak and you definitely have a problem with women. We already caught on to that from the get-go.

      And Aceman has like edited his rep 1000 times trying to change facts. As usual. He can't man up or face the music that he BROUGHT THIS UPON HIMSELF! DEAL WITH IT!

      I find you repugnant and repeating what I said about you and to you just makes us laugh even harder. Shitwad penis drip. One of your losers even has a serious problem with JSR's siggy for chrissake! That's SERIOUS butthurt. Really you've done nothing but expose your own lame angry fit-throwing temper tantrums. You've squawked. You've threatened. You've brought as many into your pissy fight as you can and you still ain't getting nowhere.

      Face it. You are a loser.

      End of.

    4. 1. I'm not ub3r or even l33t! So I know how it feels to be a regular member.
      Your friend got negged because she spouted useless bullshit and this is what she gets lol.

      Aceman edited his rep what, twice? Only to see if he could make it more fair for you, your buttbuddy alonalon apparently had negged him.

      You've squawked. You've threatened people too with your "highly placed friends" and you have also displayed, even though it's false, an IP address. Look who's talking for fuck's sake!

      I am not ub3r nor l33t and I can't rep for shit, calm your tits.

      You've done nothing but expose how butthurt you are by even making this blog.

      I bet that people reading this now are enjoying your idiocy. Cheers! :D

  11. I noticed she went from 38 rep to 17. Looks like this blog is only hurting her which may not have been your smartest choice.

    1. Yeah and all that is reportable. It's called gang repping someone. Abusing the rep system. Someone's personal blog (mine) is within HF policy. The faggots couldn't get the girl banned and now they're going batshit. This is all going to be featured and I have many more readers than that faggot Aceman.

  12. Hahaha, I submitted a devastating comment and you still didn't approve it. Definitely shows I wrecked your shit.

    1. What exactly did you wreck? Hey Aceman, you nothing but a pile of steaming shit! Within the last 48 hours you've shown what a hysterical drama queen you are, what a bigot you are, and what a laughing stock you are. Yeah like I said, you're a penis wrinkle cum-mouthed prick. You go right ahead and make threats of hacking my shit by leaving harassing comments for the world to see and then running to whoever will listen to your crybaby whining to go and slam my friend even more. You do that. You're out of cards, ace. You're nothing but a big fat blank. Better go cry to mommy now. Stuff another handful of Cheetos down your 600 lbs gullet.

    2. Devastating comment? And what exactly was that? Where you say you gonna ruin someone? Or your usual commenting when you're spouting off how much of an internet tough guy you think you are? Or perhaps it was a comment about how you're laughing right after commenting how the blogger is gonna get all kinds of violence visited upon him? All the passive-aggressive bi-polared shit that we've all seen from you, Aceman. Watching you is like watching one of those weird Mexican soap operas where the greasy guy with an ugly face throws fits of rage and then two seconds later he's twirling around some courtyard laughing like some deranged clown and then two seconds after that he's back to his fit of rage.

      Is that what you call "devastating"? Seems to me he allowed your "devastating" comment anyway and then ripped it apart. Run along and make 100 more comments now. Maybe you'll say something that'll knock everyone's socks off! XD

    3. Actually the deranged Mexican is Package who calls himself the complete package. Gawd. What a dope. Did you see his hysterical post where he can't even properly use the English language to flame someone? That makes him a FAIL troll too. If you're gonna flame, fucking learn how to spell. None of these fucking lame bastards can even do a proper job.

      Aceman is more like that Canadian fuckwit asshole of the century Justin Bieber. Who also goes from claims of laughing to bouts of rage slinging violent threats and using lame, worn-out scare tactics. He's so retarded that I think he's got someone helping him type out his rage. That would be his crack whore mother no doubt and to keep her flippant inbred son from pounding the keyboard since he's already destroyed like 20 of them.

