Saturday, December 20, 2014

More of Aceman's Comments

I do have say so on who is banned and who gets to stay. It will be my forum when omni dies or is caught. I have poured enough money into HF to be the rightful successor.

Aceman - 8/28/14

Omni even sticks up for us and he'll step in to help us. Not you. Check out what his message was against those who hate Zach.

What fucking assholes we have here. Seriously. Most the fucktards with bad attitudes are probably pimply faced little fucktards without real friends and dad beats them. I don't know why people get on the
internet and think they can just bully everyone.

I wish there was more accountability on the web for peoples actions. Most people if they behaved like they do in real life would get punched right in the face and it would be the last time they acted like a clown.

Read it for yourself.

Omni does do my bidding!

Aceman - 10/28/14

I have bought enough members in HF to last a lifetime. I can snap my fingers and Omni does whatever I want. I'll also one day be the admin of HF.

Aceman - 9/12/14

Your blog doesn't scare me. I can have it reported and within a few days it'll be gone!

Aceman - 8/29/14

I've reported your blog and you'll wake up to find it missing. Oh no you going to cry?

Aceman - 8/28/14

And not to mention the numerous one line comments aceman left for several seeks during August where he just rambled about us forcing his hand regarding HF. Def. implying he ran the place.

More to follow ...please see previous blogs. Oh this will be getting better. This is just the beginning. The IP shots will also be included in a future blog. The fail troll has hidden behind some fake IPs after being exposed the first time. But he still persists. Still leaving his insane comments hoping I'll let them stand as anonymous when everyone knows he's the main asshole leaving these comments.

Hilarious that the fucktarded and big piece of shit aceman is still trying to get my blog shut down because he can't stand anyone actually standing up to his bullying. Which is affectly what I and others did, despite that he clearly bought his way into having innocent people banned.
And hey, just look at him and his idiot scum squad carrrying on

Butthurt fags still trying to bully and harass someone. That someone's supposed crime? Asking for lyrcial help for some songs and got flamed for it by a drunken irate piece of drug addled skiddie fuckfaggoted bigot, and then attacked when she simply tried to bring moderator attention to what was happening.

FUCK the FUCK OFF you crusted, rancid basement dwelling penis wrinkled neck beard.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Aceman's Onslaught of Comments & Still Trying to Frame Someone

Since around August when I published the evidence on the rep abusing, bullying, sicko fucktarded Aceman from Hack Forums he has been a constant visitor to my blog. Although since learning that my blog is set up with an IP tracer, he has since cowardly used proxies (some of which still revealed his IP) and a computer he uses at a college:
He has been trying every way possible to leave all these comments with a twisted agenda. To frame two of my friends who've already been the victims of his bullying and to lash out against omni for not doing worse to them.

I stopped allowing his comments when it was obvious what he was doing. It was so easy to spot. Obvious fuckwit is obvious. He even points to his friend Vinnie as the culprit of who gave over email addresses so he could spoof emails from the admin of Hack Forums to anyone he chose to use. He spoofed lots of other HF members' email addresses to continually send messages appearing to be the direct words of the ever gullible Omniscient.
Vinnie is also implicated as the idiot who tried to send an infected link to those two members that aceman wants destroyed.
Who is either really all of the things Aceman himself has been trying to present to my blog (under others' names with his little college IP) or just really that desperate to keep a steady income of Aceman's willingness to spend his life savings for his e-penis status. Whatever the case, some of his comments (& emails) are really something to read. I didn't allow these comments through because it was obvious he was looking to cause further grief for someone, and all comments here are screened.
Much to his disappointment that he cannot freely use my blog the way he's used Hack Forums.

I will start off first with the basic copy and paste because screengrabs of all the email notifications would take considerable time to upload to an image site and redact my email and other blog info that isn't necessary to publish (also saves me from whatever other skiddie tricks he might plan) and knowing he was that willing to obsessively bully someone on that forum to the point he bought himself into getting his way there, imagine what he would do with the members' emails subscribed to my blog. Yeah, let's not give him any more than he already has.
According to him and his first onslaught of comment spam, he runs Hack Forums and can get anyone banned that he just doesn't like. If you happen to be a female, you're fair game because as he says himself, the place is only for boys. No girls allowed and that Omni agrees with that since girls are less likely to part with hard earned money.

Then there's the real life scamming asshole named Alex. A fucker retarded he-skank from New York. He's also left some comments and never even bothered trying to hide his IP.

I give you some of Ethan's (aceman) comments from September, between 3-8

You think you so smart. Omni wanted $$ and all I had to do was pay him and it was a done deal.

Pity that you don't realize how bad things are and how people are bashing you, omni included. You should have left slenderman alone!

^interesting this since it was slenderman actually harassing JSR on her thread where she simply asked for help with some lyrics to some songs.

Omni gets paid handsomely for his efforts to keep his best members happy. Mentats are hated and theres a reason for that. They don't pay. Omni loves money even more than Sharon.

^Whoever the hell Sharon is.

And it gets far more entertaining. More to follow. Believe me, this is the tip of the iceberg.

Other subnotes to be gotten to later;
Dennis Weidens claims to be a girl but uses a guy's name. The one that tried to get me to publish a dox on someone in exchange for information on the scumbag -Sam - who pretends to know people but really doesn't, and Waif. By the way Zack was doxed by aceman just incase you missed that. The reason? Becase aceman felt "betrayed".

Hack Forums is rife with scammers and crime involving everything from ripping people off on Craigslist to credit card fraud and swatting. This is the "poll" that was sent to many on my e-list, myself included, when it became apparent that I wasn't going to allow aceman's comments to be published.
Now I have decided to publish them, but it will be to expose him and his fuckwitted mouth-breathing subservants.
And a big fuck you Omni for pandering to the lowlifes cause it's looking like what some of what he said is true. Since you cowardly run away from anyone trying to get things sorted out.
You derserve someone like aceman and his jizz-mouthed lot.