Thursday, February 28, 2019

Failed Trolls At A Place Called VOAT

Well --- I haven't updated my blogger here in some time. Actually not much on the troll hunting and troll exposing mission so much nowadays but I do remain in cahoots with a couple of HF moderators from time to time.

I've never revealed who I am on HF and that's just the way I like it, since that would make me a target of the FAILED trolls from HF. Many of whom got banned. Having said all that, I do remain in cahoots with a few mods from HF and I got an interesting message from my pal Paul. Who is a moderator of quite a few other hack-related forums.

He sends me this missive about some trolls that were banned from HF some years ago, and as anyone can see, my blogger has been around since 2010 exposing trolls from around the more underground seedy parts of the world wide web. HF is such a place also.

So here's the beef.

Apparently there's a forum by the name of VOAT and some members there have been contacting HF over some trolls and shills there.

In essence I am posting this info for all to see because it seems that the good members and staff of VOAT may need some info of what has taken place on good old, dark web-ish Hack Forums!

To start off with, I was given a list of names a member from VOAT sent to Paul. Both Paul and myself were in pain from our sides hurting from the laughter this induced because you see, the trolls/shill/niggers/etc named in that clusterfuck of names were the same names banned from HF a while back!

Below are the names from that particular ban set who were all banned for what is known in HF as "rep abuse" and rep abuse is basically a "reputation" score for users. Much like what VOAT appears to be using only they call it "votes" either up or down. Picture Emperor Caesar giving the thumbs down (or up) on posts he wants to "vote on" and that seems to be the way it works over there. Only having a quick and ugly version of the fuckery of these failed trolls.

I have to admit that I've never even heard of VOAT before tonight, but I see you now VOAT! :heh: cheers.

So here we go

First the set of nams banned on VOAT

Nosferajew (banned from HF in 2013 for impersonating his own accounts and rep abuse)
Nosferatjew (unknown user banned for spamming)
gabara (banned from HF in 2017 for spamming and harassing moderators)
kneo24 (banned from HF in 2018 banned for using the marketplace for illegal purposes)
draaaak (banned from HF for a multitude of violations, including but not limited to, doxxing, trying to impersonate the staff, sending out packets that contained viruses, seizing control over networks created by other members and being a general asshole)


Above 3 names impersonating other accounts on VOAT.

I added in the HF connection and violations to the above set of names so people reading my blogger can see that they are exact names between both HF & VOAT.

But there are more in HF banned list than what I have listed above. All the accounts that appear to be other people was one of draaaak's biggest tools he used against members since he had zero hacking ability and again, draaaak I will point out to your script kiddie ass that hacking local networks with progs that were written by other programmers does NOT make you a hacker, you fucking fool. And impersonating someone on a forum is the lowest IQ thing an idiot like you does. It only serves to expose you as a faggot. It serves as well to make your intended target reap more sympathy. But you're low IQ. No fixing that.

Moving on.

Here is the motherlode of the banned HF names that resemble the ones above

DrakeSnakeAaak < this one posted pics of his little willy and is featured on E.D.

And that's just ONE page of the bans on this user that invaded HF. I'm not going to bother posting all 34 pages of this failed troll. All were banned in the order they appear in. I may make a few individual blogger entries where I can post screenshots of their fuckery. That would be fun. Time is an issue. But I've never let that stop me from making failed trolls rekt!

I may add more if I feel like it but suffice it to say that


UPDATE on Fail Troll Draaaak aka Nosferatjew

Still whining after all this time because his ass was CAUGHT!

But he's been getting trolled by someone named Wesley (according to his straining grunts) and this guy is making all these accounts using his username. Serves him right for what he does to people, like he did to several people on Hack Forums and on the forum known as Voat where I have heard from several members about his vote harvesting and abuse.