Sunday, January 18, 2015

Trolls Go Full On Retard

Reading through your batshit comments, you know who you are you pathetic beaner, you need to be aware that you and your little faggoty friend are just going to immortalize yourselves as retarded assdrips who can't spell worth a shit.


  1. You are such an annoying person... Why don't you stop writing crap about people and mind your own business. If you want to write about a person or "trolls" as you call the call them, talk about your shite, and show to the online world who you really are. And BTW no one cares if you encounter trolls or shite. If you've been bullied you don't have to bully them or other people just because they bullied you! Use your brain genius!

    1. Your entire comment is the epitome of projection. Why don't YOU stop writing crap in forums and then when challenged you cry to your psycho circle-jerking thugs to just come after whoever challenges you. And I wasn't bullied on HF, these entries are exposing YOUR bullying of others, genius.

      As far as encountering trolls, I do, but I also report on what others have encountered. Maybe if you weren't such a little cunt and your pathetic gang weren't such little cunts, you wouldn't be featured here. Genius.

  2. Hi I'm a retard! My info is this:
    Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    IP Address: Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company Pjs (
    I like to troll and be a faggot!

  3. HI I'm an ASSHOLE who loves to tell others to mind their own business while I love to jump right in the middle of anything I can find even when it has nothing to do with me, and stir shit and I love drama! I am a drama attention seeking whore! Like that Anne Kok trailer trash. I claim this blog doesn't bother me but comment on it all the time and beg people to come here and bash it because it really does bother me! WHHAAAA BUTTHURT ME! -Aceman the Assboy
